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Victor the Monster andNuclear Energy

Author :
Kwon Yong-chan

Language :

Rights :

Publisher :

Type :

Pages :
128 pages

Dimensions :
167 * 225 * 15 mm

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier :

synopsis :

 Nuclear Power: The Double-Edged Sword

Nuclear power is often regarded as an economical and greenhouse gas-free means to ensure a dreamlike future for humanity.

However, nuclear power is as dangerous as it is convenient. It emits harmful radiation and can be used to create terrifying nuclear bombs. There are even movies and novels about the extinction of humanity due to nuclear power. The issue of disposing of radioactive waste is also very serious.

Is nuclear power a blessing or a curse for humanity? This book entertainingly illustrates the two faces of nuclear power. I hope this becomes a time for you to learn everything about nuclear power with Husu and Gabi and think about how it should be used.

Victor the Monster andNuclear Energy
Victor the Monster andNuclear Energy